Advance your Inventory Management System
Discover how our RFID technology solutions equips you with a fully-automated Kanban system to reorder your inventory for maximum supply efficiency and security.

The smartest shelf for your Kanban system
Replacing the top most shelf in the CPS® Global Kanban rack, empty W-KLT® Bins (labelled with RFID tags) are placed onto the CPS® iSHELF to automatically and simultaneously trigger repeat stock orders via RFID data transfer.\
This eliminates the manual process of scanning the barcodes from each empty bin as well as the requirement to upload the scan data via CPS® Global Online. The RFID tag (on the side of each bin) is linked with the specific product information in plain site on the front of the W-KLT® bin that is customised to you.
The CPS® iSHELF is incorporated into the 800mm deep CPS® Global Kanban rack which can service multiple rack extension bays.
Key Features
• RFID antenna on top-shelf
• Battery operated (lasts up to 3 years with light indicator when low)
• 4G connection / 240w powered RFID controller
• Controller location flexible up to a 25m radius of the CPS® iSHELF
• Multiple CPS® iSHELFs can be connected to one single controller
• Up to 64 bins (W-KLT® 2115) can be placed on the CPS® iSHELF

The intelligent box for your Kanban system
Situated separately to the CPS® Global Kanban rack, up to 100 empty W-KLT® Bins (labelled with RFID tags) can be placed inside the CPS® iBOX to automatically and simultaneously trigger repeat stock orders
via RFID data transfer.
Key Features
• High capacity of up to 128 W-KLT® Bins (size 2115)
• Position anywhere independent of the Kanban rack
• 4G Connection / 240W power required
• Error-free scanning securely transmitted via a closed system
• Self contained and fully-automated RFID technology
• One CPS® iBOX services multiple Kanban racks
CPS® iBOX dimensions (W x H x D) 135 x 122 x 91cm

The flexible gate for your Kanban system

Situated separately to the CPS® Global Kanban rack, more than 200+ empty W-KLT® Bins (labelled with RFID tags) are passed through the CPS® iGATE simultaneously via a material train to automatically and instantly trigger repeat stock orders via RFID data transfer.
Key Features
• Very high capacity of more than 200+ W-KLT® Bins per scan
• Position anywhere independent of the Kanban rack
• Error-free scanning through a closed system
• Monitor incoming and outgoing goods in real time
• Extremely precise control of the flow of goods
• Industry 4.0 inventory management technology
• Drive through system
• Detects goods in and goods out
• Identification of demand fluctuations and peaks
• One CPS® iGATE services multiple Kanban racks for repeat orders
• 4G Connection / 240W power required
CPS® iGATE Dimensions
Width: from 2.5 to 4 metres (space in between left and right gates)
Height: from 1.9 to 2.5 metres (space underneath top beam)
Gate Depth: 1.2 metres (Left and Right)
Gate Width: 25cm (each side sections)

(currently in development)
Small, handy and battery operated
The CPS® iPLACER® is a future addition to our RFID portfolio and ensures maximum flexibility.
This integrated RFID reader and transmitter unit can be mounted anywhere and provide full automation for the reordering of your fastener and or MRO consumable items.
How does it work? When you need to replenish and reorder any stock-item from your inventory, the ‘Order’ is sent automatically and instantly to us when the RFID labeled W-KLT® bin (any size) passes the CPS® iPLACER®. Autonomous, independent and wireless.
It is so flexible and compact that you can mount it within a conveyor system or at any workstation. It is very quick to install without changing existing processes or setups.
• Requires a controller placed within a 25M radius of the CPS® iPLACER®
(currently in development)
Upscale your inventory management
The CPS® iSCALE is an innovative and smart sensor-controlled scale directly connected to a W-KLT® Kanban bin.

A solution especially for manufacturing units with irregular requirements of direct materials. The inbuilt sensor monitors the weight of the parts stored in the bin. As soon as the weight is below the defined level, the reorder of the parts is automatically generated at the ERP system of Thomas Warburton.
The CPS® iSCALE can be used in conjunction with our
CPS® Global Kanban system, in a customer’s inventory
cabinet or at a workbench/production area.
Key Features
• Supply of material directly at the place of use
• Highly flexible solution, can be placed anywhere
• Compact solution to fit in a Kanban rack
• Compatible for all bin sizes
• Stock order is sent automatically when a trigger point is reached
• Autonomous, independent and wireless system